
    Men's Special Treat

    Deep cleanse facial is specifically designed for oily, congested & problem prone skins of all ages. Includes correctors, rebalancing moisturise & SPF

    $150 book now

    Men's Laser Hair Removal

    Laser Hair Removal is a safe and permanent solution. It lacks the pain and repetition of other processes such as shaving, waxing andhair removalcreams.

    Starting from $30

    Skin Needling

    Skin Needling benefits include reducing the appearance of: Acne scarring, Fine lines, Pigmentation, Enlarged pores, Scarring, Stretch marks for smoother and healthier skin

    $150 BOOK NOW



    A Hydrodermabrasion is one of the most powerful, non-invasive skin resurfacing treatments available today. It combines cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, hydration and antioxidant protection that removes dead skin cells and impurities, while simultaneously delivering moisturizing serums into the skin.

    $160 Book NOW

    Muscle Enhancing

    Our Muscle Enhancing machine uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to effectively and efficiently help target and build muscle in areas including the glutes, abdominals, arms and calves as well as burn both subcutaneous & visceral fat.

    bOOK NOW

    Teeth Whitening

    Our premium teeth whitening formula has been exclusive to us since 2019. Our teeth whitening formula achieves the whitest teeth shade possible with zero sensitivity for our client to feel comfortable and bring their confidence back with the brightest smile possible. Our teeth whitening process can achieve 7 to 14 shades lighter with one visit.

    $170 -$300 BOOK NOW